Thursday, April 11

Letter to every bully…

Dear Bully,

Why do you hate yourself so much? 
So much that you have to torment me to make yourself feel? Feel that you’re somebody? Feel that you’re somebody important? Worthwhile? Loved?
I know you do the things you do to me because you’re raging with fear, confusion, anger, frustration, and jealousy. You’re living in a pool of pain.

Why do you hate yourself so much?
You are a master manipulator — talking about me and telling lies to turn other people against me, twisting things around to make me look like a fool or the bad guy, doing dirty tricks on me.
The thing is, you’ll never feel satisfied. Quite the opposite happens: Every time you bully me, somewhere deep inside yourself you hate yourself more.
You fit the bully mold to a tee. A bully treats everyone else wonderfully so that if the victim tries to seek help, others will say, “Oh you couldn’t mean her, she’s such a great person” or “He has such great parents, that couldn’t be possible.” This makes it look like the victim is imagining things or being antagonistic. Or, sometimes a person may believe the victim, but they don’t come to the rescue because it puts them in a risky position. And it may stir up problems and issues, and no one wants to do that.
Hey, Bully, here’s the truth, and you know it: Underneath all your laughing and smirking and conniving is a desperate, unhappy person.

Why do you hate yourself so much?
It must be hard to fall asleep at night, first, working on your next ploy against me and then thinking about how very sad you are and holding on for dear life to avoid it.

Why do you hate yourself so much?
Here’s what you need to know. Despite all your shenanigans, I will never, ever stop being “me.” I have what you want. True friends. People who respect me. Milestones I’ve achieved. New flash: I’ve earned them! You can, too.Geez, if only you’d take all the mental energy you spend on being a bully on yourself, you’d have your demons licked in no time. Your struggling would end. You’d set yourself free to discover what your special gifts are, and all the good reasons you have been put on this earth.

Why do you hate yourself so much?
You’re the only one who can find the answer to this question. I’m pretty certain you’d stop trying to hurt me if you figured it out. There is no shame in getting help.
Until the day comes when you find an answer, remember, every time you hurt me (or anyone else), you’ll hate yourself more and more and more and more. Haven’t you had enough?

Free to be Me

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