Tuesday, April 23


(From King's Arms church leaders from Bedford)

The worth someone puts on something or someone is measured by the price they are willing to pay for it. God paid the highest price to purchase us. He doesn't need us, but wants relationship with us so much that he sent his son (or himself/ one of him, trinity-wise) to die the worst death imaginable.
But in case you might become proud, you can be humble and believe that God gave us our value and it gives him glory. We are without blemish as Christians and free from accusation. The devil will try to make you think otherwise.

Enjoy being a daughter.
Know what God thinks about you, so don't worry about what people think about you.
Refuse to curse and speak badly of yourself. The power of life and death is in the tongue.
Say I'm growing in... instead of I'm bad at...

Encouragement boasts about someone else's strengths in the presence of other people. It draws out and fortifies their strength/s. It is the highest form of honour.
Some ways of honouring God are to:
- Live with gratitude
- Honour others
- Give Him our time and money
- Worship
- Heart connection

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