Monday, March 25

Fave funny videos

 My spoon is too big, randomness at its best

Kid singing britney spears, scared to death by his mum lolol

 Jimmy Kimmel: I ate all of your halloween candy. You sneaky Mom!

Cookie the ticklish penguin

Sneezing baby panda, cute :)

Mother duck and ducklings blown off their feet by the wind. Not very nice, but can't help but laugh :D

Pocket full of sunshine - Easy A scene clip

It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! - Despicable Me

Universal studios photo booth prank

Comic relief: English lesson with Lauren

Michael Mccintyre hil-freaking-larious! Doesn't have all of the scissors jokes, darn.

FOTC - Bowie's in space

Still cracks me up from finding it in whose line best bits

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